Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thoughts from the couch

I've been thinking about starting one of these for a while now, and have finally decided to actually do it. I guess the hesitation came for so long because I thought, 'why would anyone want to read whatever random (or even calculated) thoughts that I have?' To an extent, I still feel the same way. However, I also have come to accept two very real facts; 1.) just because I post something online does not mean anyone will actually read it, and 2.) a lot of other people, who don't really have any more to say than I do, post every day without disasterous consequences or being accused of wasting anyone's time. With that being said - read on if you like, comment if you wish, or do neither.

So today was President Obama's inauguration.  Did everybody feel that at noon today?  That was the economy instantly correcting - but this time, with real financial backing, not over-reaching, unearned 'credit.'  Our problems are solved.

In all honesty - I hope for nothing but the best to come from this new administration.  If nothing else, at this point, he has given Americans a renewed sense of enthusiasm and faith about simply being American.  However, given my innate cynicism and general mistrust of situations in which large groups of people readily agree, I am truly afraid that many Americans are investing too much of their emotional capital in the potential of Mr. Obama.  Yes, I believe he can do great things.  I do not, however, believe that most Americans (including myself) are not willing to accept what has truly brought about the current economic crisis that our country is facing.  What's worse, is the general consensus that this man can somehow, unilaterally fix it. 

Is it just me, or is all the finger-pointing getting really old?  Yes, big-bad-businesses lent out all sorts of money they didn't have to people that didn't earn it - there is certainly enough corporate culpability to go around.  But hang on a second - when did every American become entitled to a HD Tv, a 2,000 square foot home with a 2 acre yard, 2 cars and a vacation property?  Maybe, just maybe, people were / are living beyond their means and rationalizing 50 year mortgages wherein they only pay interest for the first fifteen years of their 'ownership.' Why, when things are good, do we 'earn' what we have around us, but when times get tough, someone else is to blame for our struggles?  

Sure, there are millions of Americans out there not living a lifestyle even close to that which i described above who are struggling either in the same way, or even worse - but guess what - over-extension is my topic for this evening. 

Overall - good luck Mr. Obama, truly. (I am confidant he is spending his first evening in the white house reading this)  However, good luck to those who are emotionally invested in his immediate success.  In many ways, I think the latter will struggle more deeply with the first 100 days of the 44th president's tenure than the executive himself.